[:de]Neues aus der Handmade Puppenszene #3[:en]News from the handmade doll scene #3[:]

[:de]Artwork by Kukalka - Handmade Puppen Waldorf

  • Apropos Puppenmacher aus aller Welt… Hier gibt es ein (leider noch unvollständiges) Verzeichnis.
  • Der Verein Wir machen Spielzeug, stellt hier seine Mitglieder vor.
    Warum es wichtig ist bei Herstellung und vor allem dem Kauf von Spielzeug auf die Sicherheit zu achten, kann man u.a. hier nachlesen.
  • Und wo wir grad bei kostenlosen Anleitungen sind: Hier gibt es eine zum Nähen des knuddeligen Baymax aus einer Socke. <3
  • Theresa von Sami Dolls macht nicht nur schöne vegane Puppen, sondern hat nun auch passend zu den von ihr verkauften Anleitungen viele begleitende Videos zum Puppenmachen auf ihrem You Tube Kanal veröffentlicht.

 [:en]Artwork by Kukalka - Handmade Puppen Waldorf

  • Last weekend the first European Waldorf Seminar initiated and organised by Kamrin (kamrinspoppen.nl) –  took place in the Netherlands. Many dollmaker came to this event to participate and share their knowledge from in one or more of the workshops given there.
    Some entries of the attending dollmakers are already up on their blogs or facebooksites:
    Maike of feinslieb has written a long and wonderful entry about the seminar in her blog here.
    Also Maureen von Poppenliefde and Joanna von Lalidom have attended and shares some photos, along with Daria of petit gosset, Maria of MNT, Astrid of Atelier IsaFleur, and many more…
    Actually I should have attended to and was planing on giving a workshop there, but since I am expecting and am due soon, I would have not been able to travel and attend unfortunately. But hopefully I can participate next time – from all the photos and descriptions it mus have been a blast for sure… ;)
  • Speaking of which… Here is a small (incomplete) list of fellow dollmakers from around the world.
  • And speaking of which: Here is a cool tutorial on how to make this cuddly Baymax from a sock. <3
  • Theresa of Sami Dolls not only creates vegan dolls, but she has many patterns for sale along with explanatory video tutorials on her You Tube Channel.


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